RadiciGroup presents its 2018 Sustainability Report: All products are recyclable, all companies ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified. Group value added increases, yet the amount of resources used and emissions generated decreases.
The RadiciGroup 2018 Sustainability Report, prepared according to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Core Option, was presented by RadiciGroup President Angelo Radici at Confindustria Bergamo (Bergamo Manufacturers’ Association) headquarters. The data collected and provided in the Report confirmed once again the positive trend in the Group’s economic, environmental and social performance.
“I am very proud of the positive and tangible results achieved again in 2018,” remarked Angelo Radici. “They are a concrete response to the issues concerning our children, grandchildren and the communities where we all live. Our commitment to sustainability goes way back and our objective today is to continue along the same path we have been following: the company as a leader for change, promoting competitive sustainability that generates growing virtuous demand for reduced environmental impact products all along the value chain, while engaging all its stakeholders in the strategy.”
RadiciGroup products are its visiting card. All products are designed for total end-of-life recyclability, many of them are obtained from recycled secondary raw materials and still others are obtained from bio-source materials. All materials are manufactured in production plants certified to ISO standards, which provide reliable guidelines for setting up, managing and monitoring projects and laying out improvement plans. Furthermore, in 2018, all Group sites completed the transition to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015, the new editions of the standards for quality management systems and environmental management systems, respectively.
“In the last few years,” Angelo Radici added, “we have worked hard on innovation, consistent measurement of product impact and staff training. Moreover, sizeable investments have been made in our plants not only to improve their performance but also to make them part of the community. Our objective is always business continuity; we want to remain a reliable partner for all our customers and stakeholders in the long term.”